
  • From hikes, museums, sports and other excursions
  • News and media

Media Coverage

Visit of state secretary Prof. Lukas at the HADES detector at GSI. Source: Carola Pomplun

Research Magazine of Goethe University
Article on ELEMENTS project interviewing Prof. Elfner and Dr. Galatyuk.

Press Release of Goethe University
Prof. Elfner receives the Scientist of the Year 2021 Award from the Gertrud and Alfons Kassel Stiftung.

Nature News & Views
Prof. Elfner's contribution in Nature about the rotation of the quark gluon plasma.

Podcast Wiki
Video interview with Prof. Elfner about the focus of the research group and opportunities for Bachelor and Master students.

Video documentary about relativistic heavy ion research and visualization with Prof. Elfner.

Frankfurter Rundschau
Article on the occasion of the professorship appointment with Goethe University.

Group Activities and Highlights

Group Retreat in May 2022

The SMASHies embarked on a 4-day retreat in the lands of Nether. Besides the day-time group activities involving applied hydrodynamics and special applications of kinetic theory as well as a bike trip to Eindhoven, we cooked and ate together. In a great spirit of camaraderie, we played board games, had a pub quiz (including the categories "Physics Trivia" and "SMASHies"), and let our voices shine during a karaoke night.

Glühwein Hopping in December 2021

The best way to celebrate the end of the year? A treasure hunt! A series of enigmas, designed by our game master Nils, drove the SMASHies around Frankfurt searching for delicious glühwein to keep us warm.

In the end, the group revealed the true meaning of Christmas: beverages and cookies!

Visit to Palmengarten in November 2021

While exploring Frankfurts most iconic botanical garden, we discovered multiple plant experts among us, who were more than happy to share a few fun facts with our less botanically gifted group members.

After passing through many different biomes from around the globe, which reminded some of our international SMASHies of home, we visited the Butterfly House, where the butterflies seemed to have taken a liking to us.

Standup Paddling in Summer 2020

After a quick round of basic instructions, the group was able to explore and enjoy the Main river and its beautiful surroundings from atop boards.

Only parts of the group fell victim to passing boats and took a semi-voluntary dive in the Main. No SMASHies were harmed during this social activity.

Third Place in Φ-Fa Soccer Tournament of 2019

Despite the absence of team captain Prof. Elfner, the official SMASHies soccer team was able to prevail over strong competitors and reach semifinals.

The group learned that it was never about winning first places or shining trophies, but about the friends one makes along the way.

SMASH release party in December 2018

After 6 years of hard work, countless days of coding and documentation sprints sprinkled with moments of despair as well as of relief, SMASH-1.5 could finally be released.

Of course, this achievement called for celebration along with one or the other cold drink. Thankfully one of our former SMASHies took precautions to make sure we'd be beverage-wise all set.